HSV to HSL Converter

HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) and HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness) are two different color models used in computer graphics and image processing.

The HSV color model defines colors in terms of their hue (the color itself), saturation (the intensity of the color), and value (the brightness of the color).

The HSL color model defines colors in terms of their hue (the color itself), saturation (the intensity of the color), and lightness (the perceived brightness of the color).

A HSV to HSL converter is a tool that converts a color specified in the HSV color model to the equivalent color in the HSL color model. This conversion can be useful in various applications such as graphic design, video editing, and web development.

The conversion process involves several steps that take into account the different color spaces and the range of values they use. There are several algorithms and formulas that can be used to perform the conversion, including the one provided below:

H = hue value (0-360)

S = saturation value (0-1)

V = value or brightness value (0-1)

L = lightness value (0-1)

C = V * S

X = C * (1 - abs((H/60) mod 2 - 1))

m = V - C

if H < 60:

R, G, B = C, X, 0

elif H < 120:

R, G, B = X, C, 0

elif H < 180:

R, G, B = 0, C, X

elif H < 240:

R, G, B = 0, X, C

elif H < 300:

R, G, B = X, 0, C


R, G, B = C, 0, X

R, G, B = (R + m), (G + m), (B + m)

L = (V + m) / 2

if L == 0 or C == 0:

S = 0


S = C / (1 - abs(2*L - 1))

HSL = (H, S, L)

This algorithm takes in the HSV values and converts them to the equivalent HSL values, which can then be used to specify a color in the HSL color model.

Similar tools

HSV to HEX Converter

Convert your HSV color format to HEX format.

HSV to HEXA Converter

Convert your HSV color format to HEXA format.

HSV to RGB Converter

Convert your HSV color format to RGB format.

HSV to RGBA Converter

Convert your RGBA color format to RGBA format.

HSV to HSLA Converter

Convert your HSV color format to HSLA format.


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