Liters to Gallons (US) Converter

To convert a volume measurement from liters to gallons (US), you can use the following formula:

1 liter = 0.264172 gallons (US)

So, to convert x liters to gallons (US), you can use the formula:

x liters = x * 0.264172 gallons (US)

For example, if you want to convert 10 liters to gallons (US), you can use the formula:

10 liters = 10 * 0.264172 gallons (US) = 2.64172 gallons (US)

Similarly, if you want to convert 25 liters to gallons (US), you can use the formula:

25 liters = 25 * 0.264172 gallons (US) = 6.6043 gallons (US)

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