Hex converter

A Hex converter is a tool that is used to convert numbers or characters from the hexadecimal number system to other number systems such as binary, decimal, or octal. Hexadecimal (hex) is a number system that uses 16 as its base, with 16 unique symbols representing values from 0 to 15. In computer systems, hexadecimal numbers are often used to represent colors, memory addresses, and other data.

A Hex converter can be used to perform conversions between hexadecimal and other number systems, which can be useful in programming, computer science, and other technical fields. For example, a programmer might need to convert a hexadecimal color code to its RGB (Red Green Blue) values, or a network administrator might need to convert a hexadecimal IP address to its decimal equivalent. Hex converters can also be used to perform bitwise operations, which are used in computer programming to manipulate binary data.

Similar tools

Binary converter

Convert text to binary and the other way for any string input.

Ascii converter

Convert text to ascii and the other way for any string input.

Decimal converter

Convert text to decimal and the other way for any string input.

Octal converter

Convert text to octal and the other way for any string input.


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