Octal converter

Octal converter is a tool that converts a decimal (base-10) number into an octal (base-8) number, or vice versa.

The octal number system uses eight symbols to represent numbers: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. Each digit in an octal number represents a power of 8. For example, the octal number 10 is equivalent to the decimal number 8, because 1 * 8^1 + 0 * 8^0 = 8.

To convert a decimal number to octal, the number is repeatedly divided by 8 until the quotient is zero. The remainders, read from bottom to top, form the octal representation of the number. For example, to convert the decimal number 26 to octal:

26 ÷ 8 = 3 remainder 2 3 ÷ 8 = 0 remainder 3

So the octal representation of 26 is 32.

Conversely, to convert an octal number to decimal, each digit is multiplied by the corresponding power of 8 and then the results are added up. For example, the octal number 32 is equivalent to the decimal number:

3 * 8^1 + 2 * 8^0 = 24 + 2 = 26

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